Contract Number | W15P7T20D0004 |
Sponsoring Agency | ARMY |
Period of Performance | 01/06/2020 to 01/06/2030 |
1) Research and Development
2) Production and Deployment
3) Sustainment through Disposal
Technical Focus Areas include: systems engineering and integration; Command, control and communications (C3) systems; program management; operation and maintenance; integrated logistics support; site survey; installation; test and evaluation; certifications; studies, analysis and reporting
Ordering Period: (1) 5 year base and (1) 5 year option. Task orders can be awarded at any time during this period. Performace of a TO can extend up to 1 year beyond the ordering period.
Place of Performance: CONUS and OCONUS
Contract Ceiling Value: $5.1B
GTACS II is available for use by all of the Department of Defense and U.S. military organizations.
Multi-Award IDIQ
Program Executive Office Command, Control, Communiations - Tactical (PEO C3T)
Prime Contractor
Multiple strategic business partners; Subcontractors can be added any time at the TO level.
Contract types can be fixed price or cost plus.
Keith V. Speyerer, Program Manager
Mary R. Burger, Contracts Manager
Robert W. Worsham, Capture Team Lead
Elisabeth J. Canavan, Supplier Management
Christine A. Johansen, Supplier Diversity
Jasmine L. Miller-Dixon, IDIQ Center of Excellence Manager
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