Contract Description:
- Category 0: Digital Architecture, Standards and Concepts
- This category consists of various activities to analyze, mature, and document the foundational aspects of the development of the overall enterprise architecture. This includes digital modeling, simulation and analysis, trade studies, government owned standard development and maintenance, and potential concept development and refinement. Development of digital engineering architecture to include appropriate toolsets, licenses, data, etc at multiple levels of security and including services such as data management, configuration control, and security/access management. Other activities may include architecting the toolchains to support the linkage of digital engineering artifacts to modeling and simulation tools and operational analysis.
- Category 1: Sensor Integration
- The development, maturation, integration, demonstration, and proliferation of sensor hardware and software. A key interest of ABMS is the compatibility and interoperability capabilities through the use of open interfaces to enable improved control of systems and the processing of their data.
- Category 2: Data
- Data incorporates the cloud-based data repositories across domains that are discoverable, enabling publish-subscribe approaches servicing various consumers across the DoD. These repositories contain data that consists of structured and unstructured data and where possible, this data will be meta tagged for further analytics and as well as fusion purposes. One of the key elements of this approach is this ability to analyze the data to develop machine learning and further enhance the artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to provide previously unrealized military utility in decision aides.
- Category 3: Secure Processing
- Secure Processing will leverage the Enterprise Information Technology as a Service (EITaaS) work at the unclassified and secret level to, expand this capability to all levels of security. A key feature of secure processing will be to develop multi-level security (MLS) technology set that enables moving up and down in security level where feasible no matter the hardware device, transportation method, or environment. Lastly, secure processing encompasses providing deployment, training, and support services for all of these capabilities worldwide.
- Category 4: Connectivity
- Development and fielding of networks to enable the timely processing and dissemination of data from any sensor to users at the tactical edge and/or strategic levels. Assets in any domain may be platforms-of-opportunity to serve as communications nodes enabled by omnidirectional and directional line-of-sight (LOS), and beyond-line-of-sight (BLOS) capabilities. Attributes of interest include: increased data rates, reduced latency, improved anti-jam, LPI/LPD characteristics, scalability of nodes/connections, improved integration of dissimilar users, etc.
- Category 5: Apps
- Applications encompasses the design, development and demonstration of open interface applications and/or open interface software development kits for distributed command and control decision-makers (e.g., machine-to-human, machine-to-machine) across multi-domain operations. Additionally, this category seeks solutions which demonstrate the ability to ingest and process cross-domain, multi-sourced data feeds (intelligence, information, etc.) via fusion environments and/or fusion services.
- Category 6: Effects Integration
- Design, development, demonstration and integration of networked weapons engaged across complex (e.g. wide area mesh) environments. This includes, but is not limited to, smart munitions and low-cost autonomous platforms capable of supporting C2 de-confliction and synchronization of multi-domain assets. Incorporation of techniques and/or technologies are also sought to enable near-real-time mission feedback loops and reduce processing time between system/mission data updates.
Period of Performance: Thru 2030 (1) 5 year base + (5) 1 year options
Place of Performance: CONUS and OCONUS
Contract Ceiling Value: $3.2B
Who is Eligible:
ABMS is available for use by The Department of the Air Force and The Department of the Army
Vehicle Type:
Multi-Award IDIQ
Contracting Agency:
Department of Air Force, Air Force Materiel Command, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Chief Architect Integration Office
Company Role:
Prime Contractor
Multiple strategic business partners; Subcontractors can be added any time at the TO level.
Task Order Types:
Contract types can be fixed price, cost plus or time and material.
Scott Dickson ABMS Lead
Rebecca Ebersol